Fertility Success Stories
and much more
Fertility & IVF Support Success Stories
There Is Hope…
After my wife and I tried unsuccessfully to conceive for two years, we were faced with the daunting prospect of finding out “why”? We started to wonder if there was hope! Through a series of tests, it was determined that my sperm morphology was a likely culprit. Thus began my adventure with the Acubalance team….
For 2 Years, My Wife And I Struggled To Conceive Naturally
For two years, my wife and I struggled to conceive naturally. During that time we underwent the standard series of available medical tests only to learn the reason we struggled to conceive naturally was solely male-related. More specifically, morphology, motility and overall counts were all well below the established thresholds for successful natural conception. An…
Fertility Issues, Acubalance makes a difference!
Fertility Issues I think when WE guys hear the words “fertility issues,” we tend to look for ways to fix what’s broken. My wife and I have been through the grinder and every test conceivable (<-yeah it’s a pun) for Western medicine. There was no easy fix for what was quickly starting to look like…
Sperm Count Increase By 70%
Submitted by a client of ours who’s sperm count increased by 70%! I have male-factor fertility issues with regard to motility, morphology, and count. I decided to seek alternative medical help and consult with Dr. Ryan Funk at Acubalance. He started me with a 3-week detox cleanse and acupuncture 1/week. Upon completion of the cleanse, I began…
Increasing Sperm Count
After a failed IVF/ICSI cycle, our doctor at the fertility clinic advised us that my sperm parameters were likely the culprit, and without an improvement, there was probably no point in even trying another cycle. He referred me to Acubalance, suggesting that it was our best hope of increasing sperm count and having a successful…
Improve Sperm Morphology & Motility
Hi, Lorne: I’m not sure if you’ll recall the history of my wife and me but the main problem we had was with my poor morphology. We started to see you in the hopes we could improve my sperm morphology and motility. Well, I just wanted to let you know that even though we found…
Dramatic Improvements In Semen Analysis In 6 Weeks
My wife and I first came to Acubalance at the recommendation of our fertility specialist. We saw dramatic improvements in my semen analysis in 6 weeks. We both had underlying health issues that were preventing us from achieving a natural pregnancy. Myself, I had been experiencing severe headaches, fatigue, irritability, dizziness, vertigo, and eye pain…
Trying For Six Months To Conceive
After trying for 6 months to conceive our first child, and finding out there was no obvious medical reason for not being able to conceive, my husband and I felt there would be no harm in speaking to Lorne Brown in Vancouver about Chinese medicine and acupuncture. I knew doctors would tell me there was…
Our Story For The Wonderful Folks At Acubalance
We couldn’t wait to tell our story to the wonderful folks at Acubalance. Our daughter was two and was longing to have a sibling. Certainly, that was our plan too but Mama Nature seemed to be hitting a stumbling block. Month after month we became more aware of our increasing ages; the warnings of dangerously…
I Felt Like I Was Giving Back To My Body.
These were the first words that my husband spoke when little Rachel was born into this world “Karen, it’s a GIRL!!” She was so new to life yet she was already so many things to us: she is our beautiful, healthy daughter, she is her brother’s little baby sister, she is the first girl on…
I Knew That It Would Take 6-12 Months For Me To Conceive
I wanted to take the opportunity to prepare my body for conception and met Lorne Brown. Lorne taught me many things concerning fertility that I did not learn in medical school. I knew that it would take 6-12 months for me to conceive. I began charting my temperature, getting regular acupuncture, and taking the herbs…
I Have A History Of Miscarriages
I have a history of miscarriages, having had one miscarriage attempting to conceive my first child, then another three miscarriages attempting to conceive our second child. After the last miscarriage, we found ourselves unable to conceive for over a year (which was a needed break from the miscarriages, but we were growing desperate that we…
It Was Such A Relief To Be Treated As A Whole Person
When I discovered Lorne’s approach at Acubalance, it was such a relief to be treated as a whole person after encountering the detachment of the Western medical approach. I had been trying to conceive for three years when I decided to try acupuncture after having some small spots of endometriosis removed. My gynecologist had told…
Close To The End Of The Second Trimester Of Pregnancy!
We are now getting close to the end of the second trimester of pregnancy and want to reflect on the experiences leading up to our positive results. As you know, this was our 4th IVF cycle, and only during the last cycle did we see Dr. Ryan Funk for acupuncture treatment. Both of us saw…
Thank You For Helping Us Become Pregnant
Darryl and I just wanted to write to you and say “thank you” for helping us become pregnant with our little miracle. From the time I wrote you, Lorne, and spoke to you on the phone, I felt that we were in good hands. During our first consult with the IVF clinic, we were told…
Thin Endometrial Lining
I was only three days away from embryo transfer (IVF with donor egg) when my doctor discovered that my body was not reacting as he had hoped to the estrogen. Therefore, the lining of my uterus was not as thick as it should be for implantation. He suggested I have acupuncture to bring more blood…
Pregnant At Age 39 – Naturally
I wanted to share my good news with you!! In less than two months (due date Dec 10th, 2004), we will be expecting our new baby!! I am pregnant at age 39 – naturally! I am very thankful for the acupuncture, Chinese herbal tea, and advice that I received from Lorne Brown. I came into…
History Of Ectopic Pregnancies
I first saw Lorne at the Acubalance Wellness Centre on February 23rd, 2004, as I have a history of ectopic pregnancies. After a couple of ectopic pregnancies, my OB/GYN recommended that I go to see a fallopian tube specialist. I was nervous to go to the Infertility Clinic and had read that acupuncture sometimes helped…
I Thought I Would Get Pregnant Immediately
When my husband and I first started trying to have a baby, we thought I would get pregnant immediately. Everything else in my life had worked on a schedule and I believed that pregnancy would be no different. After three months of “trying”, I started to get a bit concerned and began charting my cycles…
I Can’t Wait For Our Daughter To Be Born!
After two years of struggling with infertility, recording my temperature daily, taking vitamins… and basically doing what every book I read told me to do, I attended the local Fertility clinic. They sent me for tests to check my tubes for blockage. My husband’s sperm count was fine and my tubes were clear, which was…
I’ve Wanted To Be A Parent For As Long As I Can Remember
I’ve wanted to be a parent for as long as I can remember and I’m finally in the right place and in the right relationship. I know a whole lot about fertility because I provided sexual health counseling for years. I taught women how to check their cervical mucous, chart their cycles, and take their…
My Husband And I Had Been Trying To Conceive For Years
I had never been pregnant and my husband and I had been trying to conceive for years. After trying on our own (using a fertility thermometer to check for ovulation), we had no luck. At age 36, I began to worry. After blood work on day 3 and day 21 of my cycle, it was…
Rollercoaster Ride Emotions!
For one and a half years, I have lived on a rollercoaster ride of emotions! Excitement, anticipation, depression, and disappointment. This is how long it took my husband and me to get pregnant. We were charting, timing, measuring, researching, and talking about getting pregnant to the point where we were no longer making love –…
At The Age Of 43 I Was Told That Both My Tubes Were Blocked.
At the age of 43, I was told that both my tubes were blocked. After much discussion, my partner, a doctor of Traditional Chinese Medicine, and I opted to try in vitro fertilization. We also decided to see Lorne Brown in order to maximize my chances of a successful outcome. At the ultrasound when they…
My Husband And I Struggled With Unexplained Infertility
For more than three years, my husband and I struggled with unexplained infertility. We underwent every available medical test and turned to a series of increasingly drastic fertility treatments. When IVF and two subsequent cryogenic cycles failed, we began to wonder if we would ever be blessed with children of our own. Then I heard…
In September 2002, I Had A Miscarriage.
In September 2002, I had a miscarriage. Following the D&C, my periods were very irregular – although I had struggled with irregular periods for years. I could go as much as four or five months without a period. I wanted to get pregnant again but was having difficulty with my fertility – and was also…
Try Try Again…It Worked!
Three years ago, I underwent IVF/ICSI to conceive our first baby. I had heard that trying acupuncture and herbs while undergoing fertility treatment could be really beneficial. Happily, our first try was successful and we had a beautiful baby girl! When we moved to Vancouver, we decided to try for Baby Number 2. This time,…
Pregnant Naturally At 41
Dear Lorne, It’s been a couple of months since I last came to see you for acupuncture treatment so I thought you might like to know that there’s been good-news development for me: about two weeks after my last treatment in mid-July, I found out I was pregnant naturally at 41! I’m now at about…
I Traveled A Long Road…
My infertility nightmare started almost three years ago when my husband and I started trying to conceive. We had already traveled a long road! I was 36 at the time. After seven months, I became pregnant but unfortunately lost the pregnancy at six weeks. The months following my miscarriage are a very black time in…
Pregnant At 45 With High FSH And Short Luteal Phase
When I was 44, I decided to give conception one last try and now I’m pregnant at 45 with high FSH and short luteal phase. I had tried to conceive before and survived pregnancy losses. Because of my age and history, medical science gave me little hope of success. But for me the word “no”…
Adding Acupuncture To IVF
Hi, Lorne: I wanted to send you a very overdue thank you adding acupuncture to IVF made all the difference!!! I’m not sure if you remember me but I came to see you after about four years of unsuccessfully trying for our first baby. What a roller coaster ride that was! After a friend had mentioned an…
Thank You For Helping Us To End Our Struggle!!
Dear Acubalance, I am writing to send a heartfelt thank you for your website. It has indirectly helped us get pregnant after 4+ years of fertility struggles. I believe your section on “What can I do to optimize my fertility?” as well as your belief (and now mine) in acupuncture enabled me and my spouse to get…
Story With A Happy Ending
Hi, Lorne: Long time no chat. It was about two years ago that we found you and the Acubalance team. I wanted to check in with you and give you an update: our story with a happy ending! We have VERY GOOD news!! Thanks to a great friend — who became our surrogate — our…
Healthy Baby Girl!!
Hello to everyone at Acubalance, I received acupuncture in the late Spring of 2008 at your centre in an attempt to conceive my first child. I wanted to let all of the wonderful staff at Acubalance know that I successfully conceived in June and gave birth to a beautiful healthy baby girl in February 2009….
Pregnancy Success!!
Goodness, where do we begin? My fertility (or shall I say infertility?) story has been so draining yet so worth it. One year after my husband and I had been married, we stopped our birth control, anticipating starting a family within the next 12-18 months. However, we noticed that we were not very careful and had…
After Four Miscarriages…
After four miscarriages and seeing specialists at BC Womens Health (who couldn’t find anything wrong with us), we are now only a few weeks away from delivering our first baby, thanks to Acubalance! After receiving treatments from Acubalance, we got pregnant on our first try and have had an average, uneventful pregnancy so far. At…
Relaxing = Pregnancy, Thanks, Acubalance!
Thank you so very much for your excellent, supportive, and caring help over the fall and winter. Even with my medical background, my weekly visits put my mind at ease and helped me truly believe that nature would indeed one day take its course. We had our prenatal testing done at PCRM and everything looks…
Thank You For All Your Support And Encouragement
Dear Ryan, My husband and I would like to thank you for all your support and encouragement during a very difficult time for us. From the moment we met you at Acubalance back in April 2008, we felt comfortable talking to you and sharing with you our infertility journey. Your calm and caring personality made…
Pregnant In Under One Year!
To all the staff at Acubalance Wellness Center, My husband and I send you a note of our gratitude with special thanks to Ryan. After meeting him, he gave us hope with his faith and knowledge of this healing art. Before meeting Ryan, my husband and I were skeptical about whether or not this treatment could…
I Wish I Had Gone To Acubalance Sooner…
The first thing I have to say is that I wish I had gone to Acubalance sooner than I did. I am 42, have led a very healthy life, and am now 22 weeks pregnant with a healthy baby girl but it took me (us) two somewhat agonizing years to get here. I credit our…