I Felt Like I Was Giving Back To My Body.

These were the first words that my husband spoke when little Rachel was born into this world “Karen, it’s a GIRL!!” She was so new to life yet she was already so many things to us: she is our beautiful, healthy daughter, she is her brother’s little baby sister, she is the first girl on her maternal side in 18 years, and she is our miracle. Thanks to The Acubalance Wellness Centre, I felt like I was giving back to my body, and we are able to experience the miracle of giving life a second time.

After getting pregnant with our first child in only four months, we assumed, like most parents, that the second one would be just as easy. We were wrong. After over one year of trying for a second child, we decided to take a round of infertility tests to see if we had a specific problem. The test results indicated no apparent fertility issues with either me or my husband so we were labeled as having “unexplained infertility.” This was so frustrating to us and hard to understand given that we already had one child. It worked before; what is the problem now? The Western medicine doctor could not specifically answer our question so she discussed our options to increase our fertility, all by using drugs. We didn’t want to jump into the use of drugs, so we decided to explore other more natural options first.

After talking with my close friends and doing some reading, we decided to explore the use of acupuncture to assist in our increased fertility. Since having fertility issues ourselves, we learned of two successful pregnancies of women who went to Dr. Lorne Brown at the Acubalance Wellness Centre. After researching Acubalance’s website and having an initial consultation with Lorne, we decided to give acupuncture and “Eastern Medicine” a shot. We are so pleased that we did.

How My Journey with Acubalance Started

I believe one key success factor to my entire treatment plan was Acubalance’s questionnaire that I filled out at the beginning of the process. That questionnaire was a guide to my body and showed the initial indicators for what might be the sources of my problem, based on Traditional Chinese Medicine. Lorne said to me at the beginning, “We are not here just to help you get pregnant; we are here to help you have a healthy baby.” That was so nice to hear and yet it was a dream that seemed impossible at the time.

My treatment included weekly Acupuncture treatments, a special mix of Chinese herbs to drink as tea, the addition of some key vitamins, and some simple and easy dietary changes. This treatment plan was entirely specific to me, unique to my needs, and easy and relaxing for me. In addition to the acupuncture, I was taking my basal body temperature and bringing in the chart to show Dr. Lorne Brown That chart was another indicator that helped them to know how my body was reacting to the treatments.

Throughout the process, not only did I feel more positive about the possibility of pregnancy, I was relaxed and confident. While I was having the acupuncture treatments, drinking my Chinese herbs, taking my vitamins, and changing my diet, I felt like I was giving back to my body. My body felt great and I felt great. All of the combined Eastern medicine treatments focused my entire system on being healthy and getting pregnant. It worked!

We Got Pregnant!

The second month that I had been going to Acubalance, we got pregnant. This was after trying on our own for almost two years!! We were so thrilled and excited, yet we could hardly believe that it was true. I continued going to Acubalance for acupuncture treatments throughout my pregnancy (once a trimester). The treatment was focused on supporting the pregnancy and ultimately my delivery. I had a wonderful pregnancy and a delivery that was much easier than the first time.

I learned so much throughout this process about Eastern medicine, the philosophies of Traditional Chinese Medicine, and other “natural” techniques for our bodies. It was such a great way to bring Rachel into this world. We want to thank Lorne Brown, for your knowledge, your encouragement, your skills, and your dedication to this field of work.

We are so blessed to have Rachel in our lives and we thank you for helping to get her here!