Fulfill My Goal & Dream Of Getting Pregnant

To Acubalance,

Dr Lorne Brown,
The purpose of my journey to Vancouver BC was to fulfill my goal & dream of getting pregnant and by doing that I know I had to come and see the one and only Dr. Brown. As I researched and read up on your treatments and clinic success. I just want to thank you so very much for all that you have done for me. I am certain I will get pregnant with your assistance very soon. I am leaving feeling truly blessed and honoured in meeting you. I have learned so much in ten weeks I had treatments, especially on diet and mineral intake, and lifestyle changes, and relaxation. As found in your literature. Quote: “The best way to achieve a healthy pregnancy and baby is to nourish the soil before you plant the seed.” So I plan to do just that.

Dr Kali MacIsaac,
Thank you for all your assistance during my treatment visits. I couldn’t have done this or survived 10 weeks without the care and lifestyle changes on proper diet. So I leave with a lot more knowledge and resources on what changes I need to do. I am very grateful and look forward to a successful journey working with Fiona in Toronto.

Thanks for all your assistance. And for being amazing so kind and understanding. I appreciate the customer service.

Acubalance helped me fulfill my goal & dream of getting pregnant!