
Fertility & IVF Support Blog Posts

Polycystic Ovarian Syndrome, Weight Loss and Optimizing Fertility with Sandro Graca

Episode #41 Polycystic Ovarian Syndrome, Weight Loss and Optimizing Fertility with Sandro Graca In this episode, Dr. Lorne Brown discusses polycystic ovarian syndrome (PCOS) with Sandro Graca, a lecturer and researcher in reproductive health. PCOS is a metabolic disorder that affects women’s reproductive health, characterized by hormonal imbalance, long or absent menstrual cycles, and the…
Read More Polycystic Ovarian Syndrome, Weight Loss and Optimizing Fertility with Sandro Graca

The Surprising Link Between Oral Health and Fertility with Dr. Katie Lee

Episode #74 The Surprising Link Between Oral Health and Fertility with Dr. Katie Lee In this episode, Dr. Katie Lee, a dentist with personal experience with infertility, delves into the crucial yet often overlooked connection between oral health and fertility. Drawing from her professional expertise and personal journey, Dr. Lee explains how the state of…
Read More The Surprising Link Between Oral Health and Fertility with Dr. Katie Lee

The Power of Light: How Laser Acupuncture Improves Male Fertility

The Power of Light: How Laser Acupuncture Improves Male Fertility Infertility is a growing concern for many couples worldwide. In fact, it’s estimated that about 15% of couples face challenges in conceiving. While there are many treatments available, from vitamins and antioxidants to various supplements, these conventional therapies often fall short. Enter laser acupuncture—a promising…
Read More The Power of Light: How Laser Acupuncture Improves Male Fertility

8 Steps to Reverse PCOS with Dr. Fiona McCulloch

Episode #73 8 Steps to Reverse PCOS with Dr. Fiona McCulloch In this episode of the Conscious Fertility Podcast, host Dr. Lorne Brown welcomes Dr. Fiona McCulloch ND, a leading expert in naturopathic fertility treatment, to explore the intricate challenges of polycystic ovary syndrome (PCOS) and its effects on women’s health and fertility. Together, they…
Read More 8 Steps to Reverse PCOS with Dr. Fiona McCulloch

Embrace your Fertility with Dr. Timea Belej-Rak

Episode #71 Embrace your Fertility with Dr. Timea Belej-Rak This episode explores reproductive medicine and the importance of a holistic approach to fertility. Dr. Timea Belej Rak, an expert in obstetrics, gynecology, reproductive endocrinology, and hypnosis, shares her personal fertility journey, including her use of Clomid and an IUI cycle, emphasizing the difficulty of balancing…
Read More Embrace your Fertility with Dr. Timea Belej-Rak

Boost Your IVF Success: The Power of Acupuncture Before Frozen Embryo Transfer

Acupressure, an ancient practice rooted in traditional Chinese medicine, offers a natural and holistic approach to managing menstrual disorders and enhancing fertility. This technique involves the application of pressure to specific points on the body, which can help in balancing the body’s energy flow, reducing stress, and improving overall health. In this extended exploration, we delve deeper into the multifaceted benefits of acupressure for women’s reproductive health.
Read More Boost Your IVF Success: The Power of Acupuncture Before Frozen Embryo Transfer

PRP and Ovarian Rejuvenation for Egg Quality with Dr. Samuel Wood

Episode #69 PRP and Ovarian Rejuvenation for Egg Quality with Dr. Samuel Wood In this episode of the Conscious Fertility Podcast, Dr. Lorne Brown sat down with fertility specialist Dr. Samuel Wood to explore the revolutionary impact of Platelet-Rich Plasma (PRP) therapy on fertility and how it has evolved from PRP to ovarian rejuvenation. Dr….
Read More PRP and Ovarian Rejuvenation for Egg Quality with Dr. Samuel Wood

Natural Ways to Maximize Egg Quality and Increase Your Chances of Pregnancy

Acupressure, an ancient practice rooted in traditional Chinese medicine, offers a natural and holistic approach to managing menstrual disorders and enhancing fertility. This technique involves the application of pressure to specific points on the body, which can help in balancing the body’s energy flow, reducing stress, and improving overall health. In this extended exploration, we delve deeper into the multifaceted benefits of acupressure for women’s reproductive health.
Read More Natural Ways to Maximize Egg Quality and Increase Your Chances of Pregnancy

Egg Freezing: Tips & Strategies with Areiyu Zhang

Episode #67 Egg Freezing: Tips & Strategies with Areiyu Zhang In this episode, Dr. Areiyu Zhang delves into the evolving landscape of egg freezing. With societal shifts placing emphasis on career advancement, education pursuits, and changing relationship dynamics, more individuals are considering egg freezing as a proactive measure towards future parenthood. Dr. Zhang navigates through…
Read More Egg Freezing: Tips & Strategies with Areiyu Zhang
7 Lesser-Known Benefits of Traditional Chinese Medicine for Fertility

7 Lesser-Known Benefits of Traditional Chinese Medicine for Fertility

Traditional Chinese Medicine (TCM) has been practiced for thousands of years, and its wisdom continues to offer compelling solutions for modern health issues, including fertility challenges. While acupuncture, herbal medicine, and lifestyle adjustments have gained recognition for their roles in enhancing reproductive health, several lesser-known benefits of TCM in this realm are often overlooked. In this article, we will delve into seven such benefits, shedding light on how TCM can holistically address fertility concerns.
Read More 7 Lesser-Known Benefits of Traditional Chinese Medicine for Fertility

[STUDY] Acupuncture Improves Poor Ovarian Response and IVF Success

Acupuncture, a traditional component of Chinese medicine, has long been used to treat a variety of ailments, from chronic pain to reproductive issues. Its application in enhancing fertility has garnered increasing interest, particularly among women undergoing in vitro fertilization (IVF) treatments. This ancient practice involves the insertion of needles at specific body points, believed to stimulate the body’s energy flow or Qi.
Read More [STUDY] Acupuncture Improves Poor Ovarian Response and IVF Success

Solving Infertility with Jaclyn Downs

Episode #49 Solving Infertility with Jaclyn Downs In this episode, we speak with Jaclyn Downs, a functional nutrigenomics consultant, author, and researcher with a passion for fertility optimization and reproductive wellness. Jaclyn explains that nutrigenomics is the interplay between nutrition and our genes, and how nutrition and toxins can affect how our genes are expressed….
Read More Solving Infertility with Jaclyn Downs
7 Innovative Ways Eastern and Modern Medicine Combine to Boost Fertility

7 Innovative Ways Eastern and Modern Medicine Combine to Boost Fertility

Blending time-honored Eastern medicine with cutting-edge technology offers promising solutions for those facing challenges in conceiving. Eastern practices such as acupuncture and Chinese herbal medicine have been nurturing fertility for thousands of years. When these ancient techniques are combined with modern advancements like Low-Level Laser Therapy (LLLT), the result is a holistic approach that can enhance reproductive health. Here’s how these traditions and innovations work together to support fertility.
Read More 7 Innovative Ways Eastern and Modern Medicine Combine to Boost Fertility

The Ultimate Fertility Guide with Dr. Christina Burns

Episode #46 The Ultimate Fertility Guide with Dr. Christina Burns In this episode, we welcome fertility expert and author, Christina Burns, who shares her insights on natural therapies such as acupuncture, herbs and supplements. She explains how these natural therapies can help regulate hormones, improve ovarian function, enhance overall health and increase the chances to…
Read More The Ultimate Fertility Guide with Dr. Christina Burns
7 Innovative Ways Eastern and Modern Medicine Combine to Boost Fertility

7 Reasons Hydration Impacts Your Fertility

Maintaining optimal hydration is a cornerstone of good health, influencing various bodily functions, including fertility. Water is fundamental to life, and its role in reproductive health is both critical and expansive. In this blog, we’ll explore seven reasons why staying hydrated is essential for those looking to conceive, shedding light on how water intake affects fertility and providing practical advice on how to ensure you’re adequately hydrated.
Read More 7 Reasons Hydration Impacts Your Fertility
Top 5 Chinese Herbs for Boosting Fertility

Top 5 Chinese Herbs for Boosting Fertility

In the quest for fertility, many couples turn to traditional remedies to enhance their chances of conceiving. Among these, Chinese herbs have been used for centuries, offering a natural, holistic approach to improving reproductive health. This blog delves into the top five Chinese herbs known for their fertility-boosting properties, backed by ancient wisdom and modern research.
Read More Top 5 Chinese Herbs for Boosting Fertility
gut health impacting fertility, signs your mental state and gut health are impacting fertility, fertility experts vancouver

6 Signs Your Gut Health and Mental State Are Impacting Your Fertility Journey

Expanding on the pivotal connection between your gut health, mental state, and fertility can provide a deeper understanding of how intertwined these aspects of your health truly are. Enhancing your awareness and taking actionable steps towards improvement can significantly impact your fertility journey. Let’s delve further into the signs and explore additional insights on mitigating these challenges.
Read More 6 Signs Your Gut Health and Mental State Are Impacting Your Fertility Journey
exercise can improve your reproductive health, 7 ways exercise can improve your reproductive health

7 Ways Exercise Can Improve Your Reproductive Health

Finding time for regular physical activity can be a challenge, yet it remains an essential aspect of maintaining overall health and well-being. Interestingly, the benefits of exercise extend far beyond weight loss and cardiovascular health, reaching into the domain of reproductive health. This blog explores the significant impact that regular physical activity can have on reproductive health, highlighting seven key areas where exercise plays a pivotal role.
Read More 7 Ways Exercise Can Improve Your Reproductive Health
Photobiomodulation: A Revolutionary Approach to Enhancing Fertility and Managing Glucose Levels with Low Level Laser Therapy

Photobiomodulation: A Revolutionary Approach to Enhancing Fertility and Managing Glucose Levels with Low Level Laser Therapy

In the intricate journey of fertility treatments, Photobiomodulation (PBM) emerges as a beacon of innovation, offering promising outcomes for people striving for parenthood. This advanced technique, which employs low-level laser therapy (LLLT), has been recognized not only for its potential to boost fertility but also for its ability to regulate blood glucose levels, an aspect crucial for optimizing reproductive health.
Read More Photobiomodulation: A Revolutionary Approach to Enhancing Fertility and Managing Glucose Levels with Low Level Laser Therapy
8 Facts You Need to Know About Acupuncture and IVF Success Rates

8 Facts You Need to Know About Acupuncture and IVF Success Rates

The journey to parenthood can be a challenging one, especially for those undergoing In Vitro Fertilization (IVF). However, integrating acupuncture into your fertility treatment plan may enhance your chances of success. This ancient practice, rooted in traditional Chinese medicine, has been gaining traction in the West as a complementary approach to improve reproductive health. Here are eight essential facts about how acupuncture can positively affect IVF outcomes.
Read More 8 Facts You Need to Know About Acupuncture and IVF Success Rates
5 Essential Nutrients Every Man Needs for Optimal Fertility

5 Essential Nutrients Every Man Needs for Optimal Fertility

Fertility issues are not exclusive to one gender; they affect men and women alike. For men looking to enhance their reproductive health, understanding the role of nutrition is paramount. Nutritional deficiencies can have a profound impact on male fertility, affecting sperm quality, quantity, and overall reproductive function. This blog delves into five crucial nutrients that play pivotal roles in optimizing male fertility, shedding light on how each nutrient contributes to reproductive health and where to find them in your diet.
Read More 5 Essential Nutrients Every Man Needs for Optimal Fertility

The Biophysics of Acupuncture for Infertility & IVF Success with Jeremy Pulsifer

Episode #40 The Biophysics of Acupuncture for Infertility & IVF Success with Jeremy Pulsifer In this episode Lorne Brown continues his conversation from the original episode 32 with Jeremy Pulsifer, a practitioner at the Yinova Center, to discuss his techniques involving acupuncture and electrical acupuncture for reproductive health. Jeremy has been practicing acupuncture in the…
Read More The Biophysics of Acupuncture for Infertility & IVF Success with Jeremy Pulsifer
Integrative Fertility Approaches for Unexplained Infertility

Integrative Fertility Approaches for Unexplained Infertility

Unexplained infertility, a term coined when a couple’s inability to conceive does not have a diagnosed cause despite extensive testing, can be a perplexing and frustrating journey for many. In the search for solutions, integrative medicine, which combines traditional and contemporary medical practices, offers hope and new pathways. This blog explores the integrative approaches to overcoming unexplained infertility, highlighting the roles of naturopathic medicine testing and treatments Low-Level Laser Therapy (LLLT), acupuncture, and Chinese herbal medicine in fostering fertility.
Read More Integrative Fertility Approaches for Unexplained Infertility

Boosting Fertility Using Chinese Medicine with Dr. Hamid Montakab

Episode #3 Boosting Fertility Using Chinese Medicine with Dr. Hamid Montakab Chinese medicine encompasses more than just the body. In fact, it’s all about the connection between the mind and physical health. Lorne speaks with Dr. Hamid Montakab, a trained medical doctor, classical Chinese medicine practitioner, and published author. In this episode, you will hear…
Read More Boosting Fertility Using Chinese Medicine with Dr. Hamid Montakab
The Emotional Journey of Fertility Treatments: Coping Strategies for Couples

The Emotional Journey of Fertility Treatments: Coping Strategies for Couples

Embarking on fertility treatments can be a profoundly emotional experience. The path to parenthood, when paved with challenges, demands not only physical but also emotional resilience. This blog delves into the emotional rollercoaster that couples may face during fertility treatments and offers effective strategies to manage these emotional upheavals, ensuring that the journey towards conception is as smooth and supportive as possible.
Read More The Emotional Journey of Fertility Treatments: Coping Strategies for Couples
The Top 6 Sleep Habits for Optimizing Fertility and Regulating Hormones

The Top 6 Sleep Habits for Optimizing Fertility and Regulating Hormones

In the quest for optimal fertility and balanced hormones, the significance of sleep cannot be overstated. Quality sleep plays a pivotal role in regulating hormonal balance, which in turn impacts fertility in both men and women. This article delves into the top six sleep habits that are crucial for enhancing fertility and maintaining hormonal health. By integrating these practices into your nightly routine, you can create a conducive environment for reproductive health.
Read More The Top 6 Sleep Habits for Optimizing Fertility and Regulating Hormones

Miscarriages and implantation failure with Dr. Niamh Tallon

Episode #60 Miscarriages and Implantation Failure with Dr. Niamh Tallon In this episode, Dr. Niamh Tallon unpacks the complexities of infertility, miscarriages, and implantation failure. Explore the role of genetic testing in IVF, treatment options for recurrent loss, and the significance of personalized care. Gain insights into age-related chromosomal abnormalities, lifestyle factors affecting fertility, and…
Read More Miscarriages and implantation failure with Dr. Niamh Tallon
The Role of Acupressure in Managing Menstrual Disorders and Enhancing Fertility

The Role of Acupressure in Managing Menstrual Disorders and Enhancing Fertility

Acupressure, an ancient practice rooted in traditional Chinese medicine, offers a natural and holistic approach to managing menstrual disorders and enhancing fertility. This technique involves the application of pressure to specific points on the body, which can help in balancing the body’s energy flow, reducing stress, and improving overall health. In this extended exploration, we delve deeper into the multifaceted benefits of acupressure for women’s reproductive health.
Read More The Role of Acupressure in Managing Menstrual Disorders and Enhancing Fertility
Top 5 Natural Fertility Boosting Strategies for Optimal Reproductive Health

Top 5 Natural Fertility Boosting Strategies for Optimal Reproductive Health

The journey to conceive can be a challenging one. With the rise of fertility issues, it’s essential to explore natural methods that can enhance reproductive health. This blog delves into the top five natural fertility-boosting strategies that are not only optimize fertility but also focus on well-being. From traditional practices like acupuncture and Chinese herbal medicine to innovative approaches like Low-Level Laser Therapy (LLLT), these strategies offer a comprehensive path to enhancing fertility naturally.
Read More Top 5 Natural Fertility Boosting Strategies for Optimal Reproductive Health
6 Everyday Pollutants and Their Surprising Effects on Fertility

6 Everyday Pollutants and Their Surprising Effects on Fertility

In an era where environmental concerns are increasingly prominent, the impact of everyday pollutants on fertility is a critical topic. Fertility, essential to human life and continuity, is sensitive to various environmental factors. This article explores six everyday pollutants, unveiling their surprising effects on fertility and providing insights into how we can navigate this challenge.
Read More 6 Everyday Pollutants and Their Surprising Effects on Fertility
7 Fertility Benefits of Combining LLLT and Acupuncture with IVF

7 Fertility Benefits of Combining LLLT and Acupuncture with IVF

The journey towards conception is a deeply personal and often challenging one, especially for people exploring in vitro fertilization (IVF). However, the integration of Low-Level Laser Therapy (LLLT), also known as photobiomodulation, and acupuncture with IVF is emerging as a sought-after approach, offering new hope and possibilities. This blog delves into the seven key fertility benefits of combining these holistic therapies with IVF, providing insights for those seeking to increase their fertility chances of success.
Read More 7 Fertility Benefits of Combining LLLT and Acupuncture with IVF
Foods That Support a Healthy Gut for Improved Fertility

9 Foods That Support a Healthy Gut for Improved Fertility

Understanding the intricacies of fertility often leads us to explore the fundamental role of gut health in reproductive success. This detailed guide delves deeper into how a well-functioning digestive system can be a key ally in the journey towards conception, highlighting nine specific foods known for their positive impact on gut health and, consequently, fertility.
Read More 9 Foods That Support a Healthy Gut for Improved Fertility
Acupuncture and LLLT in Vancouver

10 Benefits of Integrating Laser (LLLT) and Acupuncture for Fertility

The journey towards getting pregnancy and having a baby can be challenging for many men and women. In recent years, the integration of Low-Level Laser Therapy (LLLT) with traditional acupuncture has emerged as a promising approach to enhance fertility. This article delves into the top ten benefits of combining these two modalities, offering hope and new possibilities for those striving to grown their family.
Read More 10 Benefits of Integrating Laser (LLLT) and Acupuncture for Fertility
Thin Uterine Lining - Causes and Treatments to Help Implantation

Thin Uterine Lining – Causes and Treatments to Help Implantation

Acupuncture, a cornerstone of Traditional Chinese Medicine (TCM), is increasingly recognized in the realm of reproductive health, particularly for addressing thin uterine lining. This condition is important for fertility, as a robust uterine lining, usually between 8-12 mm thick at mid-cycle, is considered most receptive for the implantation and sustenance of an embryo. A thin lining, however, can lead to lower conception rates, increased miscarriage risks, and various pregnancy complications.
Read More Thin Uterine Lining – Causes and Treatments to Help Implantation
Acupuncture for Fertility

10 Ways Acupuncture Can help Your IVF Journey for Increased Success

Embarking on an IVF journey is a significant step for many couples and individuals aiming to conceive. Amidst the clinical environment and advanced reproductive technologies, acupuncture and low level laser therapy (LLLT) for fertility emerge as gentle companions, offering a holistic approach to support the intricate process of IVF. Here are ten ways acupuncture can be integrated into your IVF journey to enhance your chances of success.
Read More 10 Ways Acupuncture Can help Your IVF Journey for Increased Success
Acupuncture Vancouver

9 Things You Need to Know About Acupuncture, Cortisol Reduction, and Fertility Success

The journey to fertility can often be a winding path, marked by physical and emotional challenges. In recent years, acupuncture has emerged as a beacon of hope for many, offering a natural approach to enhancing fertility. But how exactly does this ancient practice intersect with modern concerns like stress and cortisol levels? Here’s a deep…
Read More 9 Things You Need to Know About Acupuncture, Cortisol Reduction, and Fertility Success
PCOS Should Consider Acupuncture

5 Reasons Why Women with PCOS Should Consider Acupuncture

Polycystic Ovary Syndrome (PCOS) is a prevalent endocrine disorder affecting numerous women worldwide. Characterized by hormonal imbalances, irregular menstrual cycles, and often the presence of small cysts on the ovaries, PCOS can lead to various health complications. While there are many treatments available, acupuncture has emerged as a promising alternative therapy. Here are five compelling…
Read More 5 Reasons Why Women with PCOS Should Consider Acupuncture

Improving Sperm Health; Top Reasons Why People Aren’t Seeking Treatment and Why They Should

I’m not going to lie, we’re always a little disappointed at the lack of men in the schedule. An embryo is 50/50 sperm and egg. Even if there is a known egg or uterine factor to infertility, sperm is still bringing 50% of the genes to the table. Despite popular belief, sperm quality does not…
Read More Improving Sperm Health; Top Reasons Why People Aren’t Seeking Treatment and Why They Should

Don’t Double Your Sperm Count, Quadruple It! A Case Study

We wanted to share a success story written about a male infertility case. Male infertility is diagnosed with 40 percent of couples having difficulty conceiving.  Many of these men don’t realize there are many natural treatments that have a profound effect.   With Western treatments such as Intrauterine Insemination (IUI) and IVF with Intracytoplasmic Sperm Injection…
Read More Don’t Double Your Sperm Count, Quadruple It! A Case Study

Unsuccessful IVF Cycle? How to increase FET implantation success

A common question we receive after an unsuccessful IVF/FET cycle is what else can I do differently to not have another normal embryo, not implant, and instead improve my chances of success and live birth. Introduction: For couples struggling to conceive, the journey can be filled with hope, anticipation, and sometimes, disappointment. The process of…
Read More Unsuccessful IVF Cycle? How to increase FET implantation success
Fertility Clinic in Vancouver

8 Questions to Ask Before Committing to a Fertility Clinic in Vancouver

Embarking on the journey of fertility treatment is a significant decision, filled with emotions, resources, and time. Choosing the right fertility clinic in Vancouver, especially one that aligns with a holistic approach, is crucial for your reproductive goals and overall health. Here are eight essential questions to consider before making your commitment:
Read More 8 Questions to Ask Before Committing to a Fertility Clinic in Vancouver
Fertility Acupuncture in Vancouver

When to Undergo Fertility Acupuncture & LLLT for an FET Cycle

The potential benefits of acupuncture and Low-Level Laser Therapy (LLLT) often remain under the radar. These ancient and modern techniques, respectively, have shown promise in complementing the Frozen Embryo Transfer (FET) cycle. If you’re contemplating integrating these therapies into your fertility journey, understanding the optimal timing is crucial. Let’s delve into the recommended timelines for acupuncture and LLLT in relation to the FET cycle.
Read More When to Undergo Fertility Acupuncture & LLLT for an FET Cycle
IVF acupuncture in vancouver

IVF Acupuncture in Vancouver: Unveiling the Science Behind Enhanced Fertility Outcomes

Acupuncture, a cornerstone of traditional Chinese medicine, has been celebrated for over two millennia. This delicate art, which involves the precise insertion of thin needles at specific points on the body, seeks to balance the body’s flow, known as “chi” or “qi.” As the world becomes more interconnected, the confluence of ancient wisdom and contemporary scientific research is revealing the profound benefits of acupuncture, especially in the realm of fertility, IVF, FET and reproductive health.
Read More IVF Acupuncture in Vancouver: Unveiling the Science Behind Enhanced Fertility Outcomes
Natural Treatments for PCOS

7 Proven Natural Treatments for PCOS Relief

Polycystic Ovary Syndrome (PCOS) is a prevalent hormonal disorder that affects millions of women across the globe. Characterized by symptoms like irregular periods, weight gain, acne, and fertility challenges, PCOS can be a distressing condition. While conventional medical treatments are available, an increasing number of women are exploring Natural Treatments for PCOS. This article delves into seven natural treatments that can offer relief and a more balanced life for those grappling with PCOS.
Read More 7 Proven Natural Treatments for PCOS Relief

Acupuncture Boosts Pregnancy Success in IVF: New Study

Acubalance Leads the Way in IVF Acupuncture Exciting news has emerged from a recent systematic review and meta-analysis titled, Effects of acupuncture on pregnancy outcomes in women undergoing in vitro fertilization: an updated systematic review and meta‐analysis. The study highlights the benefits of acupuncture in enhancing pregnancy outcomes for women undergoing IVF-FET The Findings The…
Read More Acupuncture Boosts Pregnancy Success in IVF: New Study
IVF Acupuncture and LLLT

Unlocking the Power of IVF Acupuncture and LLLT: Enhancing Fertility for Successful IVF Cycles

While IVF clinics face overwhelming demand and long waitlists, couples embarking on the fertility journey can explore the potential of IVF acupuncture and LLLT treatments. By leveraging the power of acupuncture and low-level laser therapy, these therapies can optimize egg and sperm quality, improve the receptivity of the uterus, and enhance overall fertility outcomes.
Read More Unlocking the Power of IVF Acupuncture and LLLT: Enhancing Fertility for Successful IVF Cycles
Acupuncture's Benefits for Reproductive Health

Ancient Wisdom, Modern Solutions: Acupuncture’s Benefits for Reproductive Health

Acupuncture, an ancient healing practice originating from Traditional Chinese Medicine (TCM), has gained significant recognition for its potential to enhance reproductive wellbeing. This article explores the profound impact of acupuncture on fertility, hormonal balance, emotional well-being, menstrual health, and overall reproductive health.
Read More Ancient Wisdom, Modern Solutions: Acupuncture’s Benefits for Reproductive Health

Fertility Functional Medicine Testing with Dr. Kali MacIsaac ND: Leave No Stone Unturned

Episode #20 Leave No Stone Unturned: Fertility Functional Medicine Testing with Dr. Kali MacIsaac ND If you’re struggling to get pregnant, you may feel like you’ve tried everything and are running out of options. But have you considered doing a deeper dive into looking for the underlying causes of your infertility? In this episode, Lorne…
Read More Fertility Functional Medicine Testing with Dr. Kali MacIsaac ND: Leave No Stone Unturned
Qi-Gong_yoga_fertility_vancouver_acuB IVF support Can I exercise while trying to conceive?

Can I exercise while trying to conceive?

Question: “Can I exercise while trying to conceive?”Answer: Yes, but let’s be smart about what you do and when you do it.  Answering “yes” to “Can I exercise while trying to conceive?” can seem a bit controversial. Especially because when someone reaches the point of seeking assistance on their fertility journey (through a superovulation or…
Read More Can I exercise while trying to conceive?

Fertility Recipes that Can Reverse Accelerated Biological Aging and Fertility Decline

You can download a copy of the Acubalance Fertility Diet Book with recipes from the Acubalance website’s home page Inflammaging Aging is a natural part of life. However, many of us are experiencing accelerated aging as a result of systemic chronic inflammation also referred to as “inflammaging”. Inflammaging (chronic inflammation) leads to accelerated aging and…
Read More Fertility Recipes that Can Reverse Accelerated Biological Aging and Fertility Decline

Add This To Your IVF-FET Cycle for Better Results

A study published in December 2022 demonstrated the benefits of transcutaneous electrical acupoint stimulation (TEAS). In this study, they compared Co Q10 alone or in combination with TEAS plus a control group (no treatment). The study concluded CoQ10 alone or in combination with transcutaneous electrical acupoint stimulation (TEAS) are effective methods for IVF/ICSI-ET adjuvant therapy,…
Read More Add This To Your IVF-FET Cycle for Better Results

How To Get Pregnant Better and Faster

If you are reading this blog, then you are looking to conceive and likely have been TTC for months and years too. I remember at one of the Integrative Fertility Symposiums I chaired there was a panel discussion on integrative fertility care and the benefits of preconception care. The panel was composed of reproductive endocrinologists…
Read More How To Get Pregnant Better and Faster

What PCOS Patients Are Missing When It Comes to Testing and Treatments

I talk with Dr. Mark Perloe MD, IVF consultant, and PCOS expert, about the missing diagnosis and natural treatment approaches for helping women with ovulatory disorders like PCOS, regulate their cycles and get pregnant and carry to term. Dr. Perloe will also be sharing in his integrative Fertility Symposium lecture in May 2021 for health…
Read More What PCOS Patients Are Missing When It Comes to Testing and Treatments

What Men Need to Do Before IVF

I interviewed Dr. Paul Turek after he delivered his male fertility talk for the 2021 Integrative Fertility Symposium for health professionals. I thought those actually going through fertility treatments would like to hear some of the key points from his professional talk. He was generous enough with his time to create a public version for…
Read More What Men Need to Do Before IVF

An Integrative Approach to Miscarriages and Implantation Failure

An integrative approach to miscarriages (recurrent pregnancy loss) and implantation failure. An Integrative Approach to Miscarriages and Implantation Failure Understanding the Issue Recurrent pregnancy loss and implantation failure are challenging and distressing issues many women face. Conventional medicine often addresses these problems through hormonal treatments and surgical interventions. However, an integrative approach can provide a…
Read More An Integrative Approach to Miscarriages and Implantation Failure

Unexplained Infertility, Poor Embryo Development, and Miscarriages May Be Related To This…..

Up to 50% of couples diagnosed with unexplained infertility, poor embryo development, and miscarriages may actually now be explainable with some new testing being offered.  Even better, there are some natural and non-invasive approaches to reverse the issues too. Check out this video by Dr. Paul Turek, reproductive urologist on our Fertility Now Channel to find out…
Read More Unexplained Infertility, Poor Embryo Development, and Miscarriages May Be Related To This…..

How Laser for Fertility Was Accidentally Discovered

“Like most discoveries, low-level laser therapy (LLLT/photobiomodulation) forfertility was discovered by accident.  Dr. Ohshiro, a medical doctor and pain specialist in Japan, used LLLT to treatpain. He heard back from a 55-year-old menopausal woman who he had treatedfor back pain that her menses had started again. Months later, another woman inmenopause came in for back…
Read More How Laser for Fertility Was Accidentally Discovered

Should You Really Eat Pineapple Core and McDonald’s French Fries After Your Embryo Transfer?

If you’ve searched anything related to fertility treatment online, you may have run across the pineapple theory. Where did this hype about eating pineapples for embryo implantation? The answer lies in bromelain, an enzyme found in abundance in the pineapple core. Bromelain has powerful anti-inflammatory and anticoagulation properties, important factors for successful implantation. The less…
Read More Should You Really Eat Pineapple Core and McDonald’s French Fries After Your Embryo Transfer?

2 Exercises You Should Avoid If You Are Pregnant Or Trying To Become Pregnant

Exercise is a vital part of staying healthy during pregnancy and when preparing for pregnancy. However, there are two forms of exercise that I suggest staying clear of during these times. (I can only imagine the heaps of hate mail I am about to receive) Okay, here it goes… 1. Hot yoga. There is absolutely nothing…
Read More 2 Exercises You Should Avoid If You Are Pregnant Or Trying To Become Pregnant

Boost Your Fertility With Glutathione

Gluta-what? If you’re reading the title of this post and have no idea what I’m talking about, you’re not alone. In fact, many of my patients who I regularly inject with glutathione have trouble pronouncing the name – but most know at least one of the benefits of glutathione, it’s the body’s master antioxidant. Sounds…
Read More Boost Your Fertility With Glutathione

Could A Probiotic Influence Implantation and IVF Success?

Until very recently, it was assumed that the uterus was a sterile environment – that is, until the advent of next-generation gene sequencing that revealed the presence of an ‘endometrial microbiome’ containing bacteria. In general, most healthy women (without any complaints of vaginal symptoms) have a uterine microbiome that is dominated by Lactobacillus species; it is entirely possible, however,…
Read More Could A Probiotic Influence Implantation and IVF Success?

Laser And Fertility and The Microbiome Connection

The Microbiome Connection In the early days of Acubalance adopting low-level laser therapy (aka photobiomodulation) as part of our fertility and well-being approach, I was interested in what possible mechanisms were involved that could increase fertility and pregnancy rates.  My interest in LLLT / laser acupuncture being applied to my fertility patients quickly grew into…
Read More Laser And Fertility and The Microbiome Connection

Laser For Fertility Low AMH and Repeated Unsuccessful IVF Cycles

Low-level Laser Therapy (LLLT) / Photobiomodulation and Fertility Low-level laser therapy (LLLT) continues to show some promise for women struggling with infertility. The mechanism behind laser for fertility is as follows: During my literature review on using low-level laser therapy (LLLT) for fertility, I came across the paper below from an infertility clinic in Japan…
Read More Laser For Fertility Low AMH and Repeated Unsuccessful IVF Cycles

7 Benefits of Laser for Fertility

There has been a lot of advancements in the field of laser therapy since we introduced laser acupuncture to maximize egg quality and improve IVF success back in late 2008.  Low level laser therapy (LLLT) for fertility, referred to as photobiomodulation (PBM) for fertility by the scientific community may sound like futuristic medicine but the unique treatment…
Read More 7 Benefits of Laser for Fertility

How To Improve Your IVF Results

PRECONCEPTION CARE The last thing patients typically want to hear when they’re awaiting their first second, third, or fifth round of IVF is to use the next 100 days to optimize their fertility.  But those 100 days of pre-conception cate have the potential to make an enormous difference in your IVF results. IV NUTRIENT THERAPY Adequate…
Read More How To Improve Your IVF Results

How To Prepare for An Embryo Transfer

It’s finally that time. You went through the retrieval (or retrievals), and you now have a precious, little embryo to transfer. Now what? What can you do to ensure your best chance of success for your upcoming transfer (FET)?  ACUPUNCTURE: Receiving fertility acupuncture and laser acupuncture treatments leading up to your transfer can improve your chances of success….
Read More How To Prepare for An Embryo Transfer

Combining Laser Acupuncture (LLLT) For Fertility With Assisted Reproductive Technology

At Acubalance we are big proponents of preconception care. The most important time to optimize your fertility is the 100 days before conception occurs. Whether you’re trying to conceive naturally or have plans for in vitro fertilization (IVF) or intrauterine insemination (IUI), cultivating a healthy mind and body the three months before planned conception can greatly…
Read More Combining Laser Acupuncture (LLLT) For Fertility With Assisted Reproductive Technology
Blood Sugar Hacks to Balance Hormones and Boost Fertility, blood sugar balancing for hormones

10 Blood Sugar Hacks To Balance Your Hormones And Boost Fertility

There is a huge connection between reproductive health and blood sugar. This blog post covers 10 Blood Sugar Hacks To Balance Hormones And Boost Fertility. Insulin, which is secreted from your pancreas in response to glucose from food, communicates with your reproductive organs. For example, insulin tells the ovaries to produce more testosterone. Too much…
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What to Expect on IVF Transfer Day

An Acupuncture Orientation Times have changed for the better when it comes to integrative fertility care and being able to offer acupuncture before and after IVF embryo transfer onsite at the IVF clinics. I have been in practice since 2000 and in 2002 I began to establish on-site acupuncture for embryo transfers. The first few…
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Tips For A Smooth Embryo Transfer Day

For anyone undergoing IVF, embryo transfer day can be an anxious one – especially if you have never done it before and don’t quite know what to expect. I have had the honour of being part of hundreds of embryo transfers, performing acupuncture onsite at the fertility clinic around this procedure. Based on the questions…
Read More Tips For A Smooth Embryo Transfer Day
Optimizing Your Fertility

Optimizing Your Fertility

So you’re trying to conceive. You’ve been tracking your cycle. You’re watching for signs of ovulation. You’ve had timed intercourse. There’s no reason you shouldn’t have conceived already, but it’s been over a year and you’re starting to feel worried. Your doctor says most likely everything is fine but refers you to a fertility specialist….
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Top 3 Things to Optimize Your 100 Day Fertile Window

Top 3 Things to Optimize Your 100 Day Fertile Window

I find that, often, people reach out to me in my clinical practice or online through Instagram DMs, and they’re confused about all of the things they feel they “should” be doing to optimize their chances of conceiving. There’s a lot of information online, with very specific recommendations, for foods/supplements/lifestyle adjustments. And while it’s great…
Read More Top 3 Things to Optimize Your 100 Day Fertile Window

Pain & Injuries Blog Posts

Back Pain: Do’s and Don’ts

The US Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) recently released guidelines in November 2022 recommending that doctors should not prescribe opioids as the first line of treatment for pain, and instead consider non-opioid treatments such as acupuncture and low level laser therapy (LLLT). Here’s some back pain: do’s and don’ts. Actually, taking NSAIDS (over-the-counter…
Read More Back Pain: Do’s and Don’ts

Low-Level Laser Therapy Heals Your Body At The Cellular Level

Like plants absorb sunlight in order to perform photosynthesis, the human body also possesses certain enzymes in our cells, called cytochromes, that absorb light. Cytochromes (specifically Cytochrome C Oxidase) is the people’s version of chlorophyll and are the molecules targeted during low-level laser therapy. Cytochrome C Oxidase is found in the mitochondria of cells, the…
Read More Low-Level Laser Therapy Heals Your Body At The Cellular Level

Cold Laser “Significantly Superior” To Anti-Inflammatory Medications for Achilles Tendonitis

Cold Laser “Significantly Superior” To Anti-Inflammatory Medications for Achilles Tendonitis. In most cases, the term inflammation goes hand in hand with pain. Achilles tendonitis is no different. Achilles tendonitis, in short, is inflammation of the achilles tendon, which connects the calf muscle to the heel bone. The cause of achilles tendonitis is typically due to…
Read More Cold Laser “Significantly Superior” To Anti-Inflammatory Medications for Achilles Tendonitis

Laser-Acupuncture for Knee Pain Can Help You Get More Spring Into Your Step!

The freezing cold temperatures and snowy, icy weather are (hopefully) beginning to thaw and give way to a beautiful West Coast Spring. Runners and family walks are beginning to dot neighborhood sidewalks, and local forest preserve trails are getting slightly more populated. It’s that time to stretch those creaky winter joints, breathe some fresh air…
Read More Laser-Acupuncture for Knee Pain Can Help You Get More Spring Into Your Step!

Low-Level Laser Therapy for Shoulder Pain – A Success Story

We have been using the Bioflex Low-Level Laser Therapy system here at Acubalance for quite some time now, however, I am always still amazed every time I witness its incredible healing results. Low-Level Laser Therapy is a system designed to reduce pain and inflammation and enhance tissue healing, both in hard and soft tissues, including muscles, ligaments, and bones….
Read More Low-Level Laser Therapy for Shoulder Pain – A Success Story

Laser Therapy Effects on Joint Pain And Inflammation

Low-level laser therapy (LLLT) is a non-invasive, pain-free, light-based therapy that uses red and infrared light to target inflamed, injured, and diseased tissues. It is especially great for reducing inflammation, pain, and edema in damaged joints. LLLT does this by inducing an analgesic effect by disrupting axonal transport in small diameter fibers. Repeated treatments have…
Read More Laser Therapy Effects on Joint Pain And Inflammation

Hormonal Balance Blog Posts

8 Surprising Benefits of Low-Level Laser Therapy for Hormone Balance

8 Surprising Benefits of Low-Level Laser Therapy for Hormone Balance

Low-Level Laser Therapy (LLLT), also known as photobiomodulation (PBM), is gaining popularity as a non-invasive treatment for various health conditions, including hormone imbalances. This innovative therapy uses low-intensity lasers and LEDs to stimulate cellular function and promote healing. Unlike traditional lasers used in surgery, LLLT does not cut or burn tissue. Instead, it penetrates the skin to enhance cellular processes, making it a safe and effective option for individuals seeking alternative treatments. Understanding how LLLT can benefit hormone balance can open new avenues for managing symptoms related to hormonal fluctuations, such as those experienced during menopause or thyroid dysfunction.
Read More 8 Surprising Benefits of Low-Level Laser Therapy for Hormone Balance
5 Little-Known Tips to Balancing Hormones in Menopause

5 Little-Known Tips to Balancing Hormones in Menopause

Menopause marks a significant transition in a woman’s life, often accompanied by symptoms like hot flashes, mood swings, insomnia and hormonal imbalances. While common treatments are widely discussed, there are lesser-known strategies that can help manage these changes comfortably. This article explores six unique tips for balancing hormones during menopause, offering natural and innovative approaches to ease this transition.
Read More 5 Little-Known Tips to Balancing Hormones in Menopause
Understanding Menopause and Its Impact on Weight Gain

Understanding Menopause and Its Impact on Weight Gain

Menopause, a natural biological process marking the end of menstrual cycles, is often accompanied by various physical changes. Defined as the absence of menses for a year, menopause typically occurs between the ages of 40 and 60, with the average onset around 51 years. However, the transition towards menopause, known as perimenopause, can begin up to a decade earlier. This period is characterized by a range of symptoms, significantly impacting women’s health and lifestyle.
Read More Understanding Menopause and Its Impact on Weight Gain
Menopause vancouver

Your Secret Weapon Against Menopause’s Toughest Symptoms

Menopause, while a natural phase in a woman’s life, often brings with it a multitude of challenging symptoms. In a recent Global News article, the spotlight was placed on the need for more awareness and support for women going through menopause, particularly in the workplace. This heightened awareness is a positive step, echoing the growing interest in holistic and integrative approaches to managing menopausal symptoms.
Read More Your Secret Weapon Against Menopause’s Toughest Symptoms
Managing Menopause Symptoms of Hot Flashes and Night Sweats Naturally

Managing Menopause Symptoms of Hot Flashes and Night Sweats Naturally

Menopause, a natural phase in a woman’s life, often brings a myriad of symptoms that can affect daily living and quality of life. From hot flashes and night sweats to brain fog, low libido, insomnia, and irritability, these symptoms can be challenging. However, natural and holistic approaches like acupuncture, customized Chinese herbal formulas, and naturopathic medicine offer promising avenues for managing these symptoms.
Read More Managing Menopause Symptoms of Hot Flashes and Night Sweats Naturally

Endometriosis Treatment Strategies

Our Top 10 suggestions for managing Endometriosis symptoms. Endometriosis is a gynecological disease characterized by the presence and growth of tissue similar to that of the uterine lining (the endometrium) on areas outside of the uterus. It causes symptoms such as painful periods or painful ovulation, chronic pelvic pain, painful bowel movements or urination, fatigue,…
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Unexplained Infertility, Poor Embryo Development, and Miscarriages May Be Related To This…..

Up to 50% of couples diagnosed with unexplained infertility, poor embryo development, and miscarriages may actually now be explainable with some new testing being offered.  Even better, there are some natural and non-invasive approaches to reverse the issues too. Check out this video by Dr. Paul Turek, reproductive urologist on our Fertility Now Channel to find out…
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Your Endometriosis Treatment Plan

Whether for symptom/pain management or fertility, we see quite a few patients with endometriosis at Acubalance Wellness Centre. Endometriosis, the growth of tissue similar to that of the uterine lining on areas outside of the uterus, varies quite a bit in its presentation. There can be painful periods or painful ovulation, chronic pelvic pain, painful bowel movements…
Read More Your Endometriosis Treatment Plan

Which PCOS Type Are You?

Polycystic Ovarian Syndrome (PCOS) is one of the common female hormone imbalances that we see at Acubalance, though it doesn’t always look the same in every patient. It is diagnosed based on a set of criteria, the main one being the failure to ovulate regularly. But while some women struggle with hair loss and hirsutism…
Read More Which PCOS Type Are You?

Laser Acupuncture for Endometriosis

Endometriosis is a complicated, stressful, and painful disease that affects up to 15% of women between the ages of 24 and 40. With that many afflicted one would hope a variety of treatment options would be available, but unfortunately many are shouldered with the responsibility of their monthly or even daily pain and symptom management…
Read More Laser Acupuncture for Endometriosis

Surgery for Endometriosis

When facing a diagnosis such as endometriosis, there are quite a few avenues of treatment. You may be presented with hormonal options like birth control to eliminate your periods or medication which puts you into temporary menopause, or perhaps you are contemplating surgery. The most important thing when considering treatment for your endometriosis is to…
Read More Surgery for Endometriosis

Mood & Sleep Blog Posts

Science Behind Healing Intentions with Lynne McTaggart

Episode #70 Science Behind Healing Intentions with Lynne McTaggart In this episode, host Lorne Brown interviews Lynne McTaggart, an expert on new science and consciousness. They discuss the desires, including fertility. McTaggart highlights the importance of community and altruism, and the positive effects of group intention. The episode concludes with insights on interconnectedness and healing…
Read More Science Behind Healing Intentions with Lynne McTaggart

Photobiomodulation at 40hz for Altered States and Enhanced Meditation

Photobiomodulation (Low-Level Laser Therapy) at 40hz to elicit Altered States and Enhanced Meditation with Dr. Sanjay Manchanda Dr. Lorne Brown host Dr. Sanjay Manchanda to discuss using transcranial low level laser therapy (LLLT), aka, photobiomodulation to elicit altered states and enhance meditative states. Dr. Sanjay Manchanda shares his knowledge and devices used for achieving higher…
Read More Photobiomodulation at 40hz for Altered States and Enhanced Meditation
acupuncture for anxiety and depression, 13 points to treat anxiety and depression, acupuncture anxiety vancouver

13 Acupuncture Points for Treating Anxiety and Depression: A Comprehensive Guide

Acupuncture, a cornerstone of traditional Chinese medicine, has been practiced for thousands of years. This ancient technique involves inserting thin needles through the skin at strategic points on the body, known as acupuncture points. The aim is to balance the flow of energy or life force, known as chi or qi, within the body.
Read More 13 Acupuncture Points for Treating Anxiety and Depression: A Comprehensive Guide

3 Simple Mind Hacks To Elicit Relaxation For Healing Creativity And Sleep

I was named the Canadian UN World Wellness Weekend Ambassador for Integrative Wellness for the second year and I had the opportunity to participate in the World Wellness Weekend on September 19th, 2020.   The goal of World Wellness Weekend (WWW) is to inspire and empower people to make healthier choices and enjoy an active lifestyle with family & friends. The current health situation…
Read More 3 Simple Mind Hacks To Elicit Relaxation For Healing Creativity And Sleep

Easy Mindfulness Practices for People Who Hate Meditating

I recommend meditation to nearly all of my patients, but not everyone is thrilled to hear it. Sometimes no matter how much you hear the benefits of increased happiness, attention span, fertility, slowing aging, cardiovascular health, etc., it still doesn’t seem to stick. My job isn’t to force wellness down patients’ throats but to provide easy mindfulness practice solutions. If…
Read More Easy Mindfulness Practices for People Who Hate Meditating

How To Begin a Meditation Practice

We’ve all heard meditation is good for you. Studies show that a mindful meditation practice can help ease psychological stresses like anxiety, depression, pain, and dozens of other health conditions. Meditation is also one of those common life hacks advocated by some of the most successful people in the world. But easier said than done, right? Who…
Read More How To Begin a Meditation Practice

Digestive Health Blog Posts

5 Key Ways Gut Health Impacts Your Fertility Journey

5 Key Ways Gut Health Impacts Your Fertility Journey

Gut health plays a pivotal role in overall well-being, influencing everything from mood to immune function. Its impact on fertility is profound, yet often overlooked in discussions about reproductive health. This exploration delves into the crucial ways that a balanced gut microbiome can shape your fertility journey, offering insights into the intricate connections between digestive health and the ability to conceive.
Read More 5 Key Ways Gut Health Impacts Your Fertility Journey
Foods That Support a Healthy Gut for Improved Fertility

9 Foods That Support a Healthy Gut for Improved Fertility

Understanding the intricacies of fertility often leads us to explore the fundamental role of gut health in reproductive success. This detailed guide delves deeper into how a well-functioning digestive system can be a key ally in the journey towards conception, highlighting nine specific foods known for their positive impact on gut health and, consequently, fertility.
Read More 9 Foods That Support a Healthy Gut for Improved Fertility

Laser Treatments Benefit Metabolism And Inflammation By Improving Gut Microbiome According To Studies

As if us practitioners at Acubalance needed another reason to sing the praises of laser therapy from the rooftops, a recent study shows that it can also hugely benefit the microbiome of the digestive system. We already know it’s great for pain and injury, fertility, and combating inflammation, but a study on mice showed dramatic increases in beneficial gut bacteria…
Read More Laser Treatments Benefit Metabolism And Inflammation By Improving Gut Microbiome According To Studies

Laser And Fertility and The Microbiome Connection

The Microbiome Connection In the early days of Acubalance adopting low-level laser therapy (aka photobiomodulation) as part of our fertility and well-being approach, I was interested in what possible mechanisms were involved that could increase fertility and pregnancy rates.  My interest in LLLT / laser acupuncture being applied to my fertility patients quickly grew into…
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Blood Sugar Hacks to Balance Hormones and Boost Fertility, blood sugar balancing for hormones

10 Blood Sugar Hacks To Balance Your Hormones And Boost Fertility

There is a huge connection between reproductive health and blood sugar. This blog post covers 10 Blood Sugar Hacks To Balance Hormones And Boost Fertility. Insulin, which is secreted from your pancreas in response to glucose from food, communicates with your reproductive organs. For example, insulin tells the ovaries to produce more testosterone. Too much…
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3 Benefits of IV Nutrient Therapy

3 Benefits of IV Nutrient Therapy

When we simplify things down to their core, many of our bodily functions come down to nutrients. How we detox, produce hormones, heal our wounds, and regulate our stress – all these processes depend on nutrients – vitamins, minerals, and macronutrients. NUTRITION CAN BE HARD. We all know nutrition is essential, but it’s one of…
Read More 3 Benefits of IV Nutrient Therapy