During the first four months of my pregnancy, I was experiencing nausea 24/7. I also had vertigo, and the intermittent dizziness would aggravate the nausea. Lorne Brown was highly recommended by a good friend of mine because of his experience treating women’s health issue, in particular pregnancy and infertility. I was nervous as I had never tried acupuncture before. However, all other medications and remedies offered by my doctor were not helping. I had only required a few acupuncture sessions before I stopped experience nausea and vertigo. During one of our visits, I had mentioned to Lorne that I had been suffering from numerous headaches. I had resorted to taking Tylenol when my headaches were severe but was uncomfortable taking any medication because of my pregnancy.
I asked Lorne if he could help with my headaches using acupuncture and he did. I haven’t had a headache for a very long time, which is very uncommon for me. Lorne’s expertise, explanations, and genuine concern were very comforting and I found the acupuncture treatments very effective. I will definitely use Lorne again for other health-related issues before trying medication and I highly recommend Lorne Brown and acupuncture.