The Benefits Of Acupuncture

Even before the thought of having children was an option for me, I focused strongly on my fertility. Having a history of PCOS, I wanted to gain control of my reproductive health to avoid risking a long and arduous conception journey. Through a friend, I met Ryan from Acubalance, and he quickly became my family’s Acupuncturist. Whether it was fertility management, treating anxiety and depression, or even smoking cessation, we took advantage of the benefits of acupuncture.

When I was ready to try to conceive,  I was able to get pregnant with my first child after only 3 months of trying!   Unfortunately, trying for baby #2 was not as easy having a busy toddler at home who doesn’t nap or even sleep well.  The thought of having the time to even try for another baby was impossible. Not to mention, it seemed like everyone else around me had no problem getting pregnant.  After not having success for more than half a year I tried acupuncture again.  I combined acupuncture with naturopathy and a lot of positive affirmations.  Thankfully we were able to conceive after about 9 months of actively trying. It’s hard being pregnant while working full-time and raising a toddler, but the fact that we were able to conceive after having major doubts, means the world to us.