3 Failed IVF Cycles I Got Pregnant Naturally

Five years ago my husband and I embarked on a journey that would see us navigate the windy road of infertility. After a year of unsuccessful trying we sought out the assistance of a fertility clinic and Acubalance Wellness Center. My husband and I both completed the comprehensive fertility tests and the results were all normal, which led to the frustrating diagnosis of “unexplained infertility”. We both attended regular acupuncture sessions, and I took herbs and supplements to help optimize our chances. 3 failed IUIs later, we took the plunge to try IVF. We were tremendously fortunate to have had our first IVF cycle come out successful. I gave birth to a healthy baby boy.

Fast forward a year and half later. We were ready to try to expand our family, however, our journey took a different route this time. After having our first IVF cycle work, we jumped into another IVF cycle expecting another successful outcome, but it did not happen. I returned to Acubalance Wellness Center and started seeing Dr Lorne Brown regularly. Upon his recommendation, I completed an adrenal test that indicated that I was in stage 3 (the worst stage) of adrenal fatigue. In response to this I received weekly IVs from Dr. Kali MacIsaac, regular acupuncture treatments from Lorne, started an adrenal program to heal my adrenal glands and took supplements in order to maximize my fertility. I was desperate and committed to doing everything I could to give us the best chance to grow our family.

We did 2 more IVFs, both of which were not successful. With the news of our 3rd (and final) IVF failure, we were emotionally, physically, and financially exhausted. Not quite ready to entirely give up, however, my husband and I decided to take a step back from the fertility whirlwind we had been in. I continued to see Lorne, took herbs, and tried to refocus and live a full life again.

Two months later we were shocked and overjoyed by the surprise that after 3 failed IVF cycles I got pregnant naturally. This March we welcomed our second son into this world and couldn’t be happier. Thank you to all the staff at Acubalance for their tremendous support and expertise as I navigated through the ups and downs of my fertility journey. Always being positive and presenting options, they kept that spark of hope burning even when it was fizzling out.

Thank you all so much for helping make our family complete. As I look at my two sons my heart swells with appreciation and gratitude for everything you have done for me. I can’t believe after 3 failed IVF cycles I got pregnant naturally! You are all amazing at what you do.