Pregnancy Can Feel Wonderful!

I always knew I wanted acupuncture as part of my wellness treatments during pregnancy knowing I am still working on some past traumas and previous back injuries that would affect my pregnancy. I wanted to know that pregnancy can feel wonderful! Then COVID happened! The added anxiety on top of dealing with a recent pregnancy loss was all too much for me.

I yearned for more support. Finding Acubalance was and will always be one of the most nourishing times of my life. The high anxiety, back pain and tiredness affected my daily happiness greatly. I feel there are no words to express how much joy I have found in the last few months of seeing my Acubalance team weekly. I feel so happy and relaxed I find myself dancing to supermarket music! Acupuncture can and has changed my pregnancy story. I have seen pregnant women in shops who are clearly suffering, and I wished they all had my amazing Doctor she shows us that pregnancy can be joyful…. Very!

My husband doesn’t quite believe how I can be so agile and happy in my ninth month of pregnancy. He too is affected by the benefit I’m feeling as it affects our happiness jointly if I’m happy. My body feels great and my mind is here and present waiting for the day our firstborn child arrives, whenever that day maybe.

I do not see acupuncture and Chinese medicine as ‘alternative medicine’. I see it as integral to our well-being. The moment I walk into Acubalance it feels like a spa that plays melodic music that does make me fall asleep during every session. It was important for me to find a relaxing space for acupuncture I didn’t want bright lights and clinical. I wanted Zen and Acubalance understand that need to make us feel comfortable.

We love you Acubalance, your mastery and WONDERFUL spirit is a great benefit to all pregnant women. You always make my day with your advice and loving care. Here’s to tomorrow or the next week when my life changes all the more!