Trying To Conceive For 2 Years Before Seeking Help

Difficulty in conceiving a child was never considered a reality as we set out to expand our family.  However, two years later, we decided that despite best efforts in charting, using ovulation kits, and raising legs in the air, help was needed.  Help came in the form of Dr. Ryan Funk, the genial acupuncturist at Acubalance Wellness Centre. His positivity, knowledge, and gentle demeanour were exactly what was required to re-instill hope.  Acupuncture with Ryan quickly became the highlight of the week, getting to feel balanced and relaxed after an hour of blissful rest.  Ryan was always patient with questions and explained what pressure points were being accessed with each visit. Having that context was important for my science-based background and helped to embed myself with the experience.  After a few months of acupuncture, we decided that we would give IUI an opportunity; after our second round, we finally saw those two glorious pink lines one morning.

My first trimester went by without so much of a glitch and I cannot overstate how much we believe this to be because of acupuncture. Whilst others complained of morning sickness, I went on my day often forgetting that the first trimester was supposed to be taxing in so many ways.

We thank Ryan for preparing our minds, spirits, and body for the impending arrival of our first born.  We know that as we continue to grow our family, he will be the first person we visit!