Pregnant At 36!

It is with great joy that I thank Dr. Lorne Brown and the entire Acubalance team for their extraordinary care. I’m happy and healthfully 24 weeks pregnant with my first child at age 36.

I first approached Acubalance, and Dr. Brown specifically, upon the recommendation of a close friend. She knew that my husband and I were eager to conceive and that I’d had difficulty conceiving in a previous relationship. During my first phone call to the clinic I was impressed by the front desk’s attentive responses to my inquiries. They scheduled me to meet with Lorne, and upon my first consultation with him, I felt immediately calmer and more confident about getting pregnant.

Lorne listened carefully to my history and my lifestyle and career circumstances. I shared that while I’d previously “tried” for almost a year to conceive, I was doing so during a period of great career and financial stress. I also explained that I had tracked my periods and temperature and that I suspected that I had anovulatory cycles. Lorne confidently assessed the imbalance in my system and prescribed a course of herbs and weekly acupuncture. Further, Lorne instructed me to chart my temperature and adjust my diet and most important perhaps, I reduced the intensity and frequency with which I exercised.

I wish to add that Ryan treated me during a few appointments in Lorne’s absence. He stepped in seamlessly and fluidly. In fact, it was during an appointment with Ryan that I described a change of physical and emotional symptoms – this was merely two months after I commenced treatment at Acubalance. Although Ryan kept his prediction that I was pregnant to himself, I tested later that night and learned to my elation that I was! It was wonderful to later look back at my file and see Ryan’s note with an encircled “PREGNANT?!” from that particular visit.

I believe my conception was facilitated by a combination of herbs, acupuncture, a reduction in stress and exercise, and sound and specific counsel from everyone at Acubalance. While I eagerly await the birth of my first child, my husband and I do hope to have a second and I won’t hesitate to resume acupuncture in preparation to conceive.

I hope by sharing my pre-conception and conception journey, I’m able to extend confidence and support to other women as many of others’ testimonials did for me.