Double Your Sperm Concentration and Increase Motility 4x, A Case Study

Many of us working in the fertility field see it time and time again. Most men are not optimizing their chances of achieving a healthy pregnancy with their partners. It’s generally not their lack of willingness, it’s a lack of knowledge of what can improve male fertility.

One of our practitioners saw a couple who had been trying to conceive their second child. Their story begins years ago when they lived in another country trying to conceive for the first time. They were trying for a long time before being diagnosed with male factor infertility. In their case extremely low motility and count. Their doctor said it was nearly impossible to have a pregnancy with such poor sperm quality.  

They began seeing a Chinese Medicine practitioner and within several months they conceived their first “miracle” child as their doctor labeled it. Several years later wanting to grow their family in a new country they once again sought help and guidance from a fertility doctor. The doctor said that they would not be able to have a natural pregnancy due to the quality of the sperm and to start IVF. As they had been told it was a miracle that they conceived the first time they believed they needed to do IVF at this point.  

They did several IVF cycles but none resulted in a pregnancy. It was during a frozen embryo cycle that I was introduced to them. We discussed what they could do to increase their chances of conceiving naturally if we improved the sperm motility and increased the count. The frozen embryo transfer unfortunately didn’t take and we started treatment with her husband.  

Increase Sperm Concentration Naturally, Gain 4x Sperm Motility

We made a few small modifications to his diet, lifestyle, and sleep habits along with frequent acupuncture sessions. He had a detailed semen analysis when we first started so we could monitor any progress we made. Sperm takes 60-90 days to be created. He followed the treatment plan perfectly and faithfully came in twice per week for his acupuncture treatment without missing a session.  

The follow-up analysis showed an astonishing improvement. His sperm motility originally was less than 10%. After treatment, he had progressive motility of over 40%. His sperm concentration also doubled! 

He has gone from sub-fertile to now well above the minimal levels all within 2 months.