We treat a good number of men trying to conceive. Most of these guys are living a busy life and want to make easy, simple changes to have the greatest benefit. Anything that takes up too much time or effort is unlikely to happen without a little protest.
We try to boil down some complex topics to a few simple rules to make them easier to implement in our lives. Many of these simple and easy changes boost men’s health. Diet is one area that can have a significant impact on sperm health and pregnancy rates.
If you are trying to conceive, here are 3 easy ways to adjust your diet that will boost your fertility.
Dude Food For Fertility Tip #1 – Walnuts
Walnuts pack a powerful fertility boost when eaten regularly. A study has shown that eating just over 1/2 a cup of walnuts a day improves overall sperm health. The multiple nutrients and healthy good fats found in walnuts are the building blocks for sperm. In this study, men who had some of the worst motility (The way sperm move) ended up with some of the highest.
Dude Food For Fertility Tip #2 – Berries
Sperm are sensitive little swimmers and are easily damaged. Oxidation is one of the main things that damage them. Sperm can easily be defended from oxidation with the use of ANTI-Oxidants. Antioxidants have gained lots of support in the last few years and many studies have shown their benefits for both sperm and egg. Berries are an amazing source of antioxidants and are an easy way to add antioxidants to your diet. Berries are one food which organic or spray-free is worth the extra cost. Pesticide use on berries is very high and damages sperm.
Dude Food For Fertility Tip #3 – Avoid Processed Meats
Although they can taste great, processed meats play havoc with a guy’s fertility. Studies have shown that men who eat processed meats regularly have poorer fertility compared to those who eat other meats. The study was able to pinpoint specific animal proteins decreasing fertility while others boosted fertility. Some of the best animal protein to consume would be wild fish such as salmon or halibut. Unfortunately, smoked fish does not show the same benefits so try to prepare your freshly caught meal as naturally as possible. Farmed raised fish also will not carry the same benefits as wild.
There are many ways a guy can naturally boost his fertility and improve his chances of conceiving.
The above diet suggestions are a few simple ways you can change without too much fuss. Food is not the only thing that affects sperm production.
Acupuncture, vitamin supplements, and lifestyle changes also make a big improvement. A study has even shown how poor sleep habits decrease sperm count. There are numerous natural ways to effectively improve this area of your health.