An Integrative Approach to Miscarriages and Implantation Failure

An integrative approach to miscarriages (recurrent pregnancy loss) and implantation failure.

An Integrative Approach to Miscarriages and Implantation Failure

Understanding the Issue

Recurrent pregnancy loss and implantation failure are challenging and distressing issues many women face. Conventional medicine often addresses these problems through hormonal treatments and surgical interventions. However, an integrative approach can provide a more comprehensive solution.

Integrative Fertility Symposium Insights

At the 2021 Integrative Fertility Symposium, Dr. Ursula Ritz, a respected MD, OBGYN, and IVF specialist with training in Chinese medicine and acupuncture, shared her insights on this topic. Dr. Ritz emphasized the importance of combining Western medical practices with Traditional Chinese Medicine (TCM) to enhance fertility outcomes.

Key Components of the Integrative Approach

Holistic Diagnosis:

  • Dr. Ritz highlights the need for a thorough diagnostic process that goes beyond conventional tests. This includes evaluating the patient’s lifestyle, stress levels, and overall health, which can significantly impact fertility.

Acupuncture and Chinese Herbal Medicine:

  • Acupuncture can improve blood flow to the reproductive organs, regulate hormones, and reduce stress, all of which are crucial for successful implantation and pregnancy maintenance.
  • Herbal medicine tailored to the individual’s needs can support hormonal balance and improve the uterine environment.

Lifestyle Modifications:

  • Dr. Ritz advocates for dietary changes, stress management techniques, and regular physical activity as integral parts of the treatment plan. These lifestyle modifications can improve overall health and enhance the body’s ability to sustain a pregnancy.

Collaborative Care:

  • The integration of care from both Western and TCM practitioners ensures a comprehensive approach. Collaborative efforts lead to more personalized and effective treatment plans, addressing the root causes of recurrent pregnancy loss and implantation failure.

Training and Preferred Treatments

Dr. Ursula Ritz’s extensive training as both a reproductive endocrinologist and a Chinese herbalist and acupuncturist uniquely positions her to offer an integrative approach to fertility issues. She prefers her patients receive Chinese herbal formulas to increase their chances of IVF success, believing that these natural remedies can significantly enhance the efficacy of conventional treatments.


By integrating Western medical practices with Traditional Chinese Medicine, Dr. Ursula Ritz offers a holistic approach to treating recurrent pregnancy loss and implantation failure. This method not only addresses the physical aspects of fertility but also considers the emotional and lifestyle factors, providing a well-rounded path to improving fertility outcomes.

For more insights on this topic, you can watch the interview discussion between Acubalance’s clinical director, Lorne Brown and DR. Ursula Ritz above. If you are an acupuncturists and Chinese herbalist you can register for her on demand course from the 2021 Integrative Fertility Symposium.