Try Try Again…It Worked!

Three years ago, I underwent IVF/ICSI to conceive our first baby. I had heard that trying acupuncture and herbs while undergoing fertility treatment could be really beneficial. Happily, our first try was successful and we had a beautiful baby girl! When we moved to Vancouver, we decided to try for Baby Number 2. This time, I went to Acubalance for acupuncture and herbs — and the IVF/ICSI treatment went well… my lining was good, hormone levels were good, etc. The first fresh cycle was not successful though. I continued with acupuncture and herbs (I am convinced it kept me calm and focused) and we had frozen cycle that was not successful. We were disappointed, but determined that we would have another baby so we again tried another frozen cycle and it was successful! Throughout the entire treatment, I went to Acubalance once or twice a week and I am convinced that this was part of the reason we successfully conceived — after every treatment, I always left feeling so relaxed and positive! We are now expecting Baby Number 2 before the new year!