Cervical Ripening Treatment Helped Prepare My Body For Birth

Cervical Ripening Treatment Helped Prepare My Body For Birth

Coming to Acubalance for cervical ripening treatment helped prepare my body for birth. About a week and half before Julia Pauline was born I was starting to have contractions.  Sometimes they were mild and sometimes they were painful but it was all manageable. A few times I thought ‘this is it I am going to have…

My Body, Baby, And Birth Were Smoother And Healthier

My Body, Baby, And Birth Were Smoother And Healthier

I began going to Acubalance for acupuncture treatments during the final trimester of my pregnancy. My intention was to support my physical health as I prepared my body for birth, but with Acubalance, I got so much more. My practitioner took so much time with me at each visit, asking me insightful questions and listening…

Improved Menstrual Cycle And Pregnancy

Improved Menstrual Cycle And Pregnancy

Improved menstrual cycle and pregnancy! My Acubalance journey started in May 2013.  My periods had been extremely painful since my early 20s and were getting more unbearable every year.  My husband and I were still struggling to conceive after more than 2 years of actively trying. At 38, I knew our chances of ever having a baby were diminishing….

Egg Freezing – Working Toward My Future Family

Egg Freezing – Working Toward My Future Family

Doctor Brown and his team are true miracle workers! I felt very supported from the moment I started the laser and acupuncture treatments. All his doctors were very knowledgeable, trustworthy, and extremely patient with me. I knew that I was in good hands from my very first visit. This morning, I had a very successful…